Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Acne erasing secrets – how to cure acne at home naturally through cleansing and diet | acne erasing secrets – the fastest all natural way to get rid of acne permanently

Acne erasing secrets – how to cure acne at home naturally through cleansing and diet | acne erasing secrets – the fastest all natural way to get rid of acne permanently

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i don’t know you, i don’t know where you are from but i call you friend because we both have something in common. We both struggled with acne. I am now acne free thanks to acne erasing secrets as you will be too but first i want to share with you how i can help you get rid of your acne for once and for all.

i started getting acne at about 12 years old and had acne all the way until i was 18. I had acne for over 5 years throughout my middle and high school years. My acne wasn’t extreme but it was pretty bad and very noticeable.

you know that feeling right? looking in the mirror and seeing the red bumps, scars and inflamed skin. You feel like less than every one else around you simply because of a skin condition. Listen, i know how you feel i felt the same way except for it was probably worse. You see, i went to a school were not only did they judge you based on what you looked like but what you wore along with every other little detail.

people can be mean and acne didn’t help that. I was what you would refer to (if your the judgemental type) as a loser. I was the pimply faced skinny kid, i didn’t have glasses but mine as well have i remember one time i was working with kids and one of the kindergarten kids drew a picture of me with dots on my face. It may sound corny but i thought to myself

this sucks and that’s embarrassing, even these 5-year old kids notice it and point it out this is where the story changes but not for the better quite yet i…read more detail


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