Figure competition secrets
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jackie t. Literally stole the show, sweeping up awards and taking home first place in her very first figure contest .
no dobut, she’s living proof that a total newbie can prep, compete, and even win a figure show. It really doesn’t matter if you are 20, a newbie, or 40 years old. All you need is a desire, dedication, and the best-selling figure preparation program around, "figure competition secrets."
karen sessions gives away an insane amount of figure competition diet, workout, supplement and peak week information.
i bought her gold package and the killer training is absolutely freaky intense and i saw results the first week . In all honesty, if you are pinching penny’s, investing in her ebook is the best investment because it cost less than entering a figure contest.
"figure competition secrets" is the best figure contest guide around it tailored my diet, cardio and training specifically to my goals. I started to see results within the first 3 weeks.
i was so thrilled with the progress i was making. In a matter of months i literally saw myself transform. I am very happy and i feel and look better than i ever have.
a big thanks for karen sessions – figure coach for her amazing ebook, "figure competition secrets."
from the desk of: karen sessions – figure coach, nsca-cpt author of: "figure competition secrets"
you have dedicated yourself to eating right and exercising to get a har…read more detail