Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Muscle gain truth: the no fail system |

Muscle gain truth: the no fail system |

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mistake 1 : you’re ignoring the law of progressive overload. In fact, the success of your entire training program relies on your ability to add more weight to the bar on all of your exercises from week to week.

if your program isn’t structured with 100% focus on the law of progressive overload, you’re either short-circuiting your gains or destroying them altogether.

you must have a properly structured daily plan that is specifically tailored to your individual goals and body type.

if all you’re doing is "going through the motions" at the gym, many of the muscles you’re trying to target are barely being trained at all .

most lifters don’t have the first clue about the real science of bodybuilding supplementation… And end up wasting tons of time and money on useless junk like nitric oxide boosters, glutamine and weight gain powders.

it’s put out by clueless, uneducated "experts" and shady marketers whose only real interest is to sell you the latest muscle building fad or gimmick.

the bodybuilding industry is over-flowing with false, misguided advice that causes most average beginners to endlessly spin their wheels without any results to show for it.

you’re sick and tired of feeling unsatisfied and embarassed about your body, and you’re ready to finally do something about all of it.

congratulations on your decision to change. I’ve been there before, and i completely understand. Unfortunately, the way y…read more detail


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