Paddison program for rheumatoid arthritis – natural treatment, diet and pain relief
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the 5 essential principles to eliminating rheumatoid arthritis symptoms
3. Rheumatoid arthritis symptoms are primarily cased by food sensitivities. The challenge for me was how do i eat in a way that does not trigger my food sensitivities?’ i’ll tell you the exact type of approach that worked for me and is now giving others incredible results worldwide (see some of the recent testimonials on this website).
4. You don’t need to waste your money on expensive alternative therapies. Although these may help to reduce symptoms temporarily, the only way to cure rheumatoid arthritis is to address the root cause of the disease which stems from particles getting into your blood stream. Eliminate these particles and eliminate the autoimmune attack on your own synovial tissue.
5 . Experimenting with nightshade vegetables and/or grandma’s home recipes for arthritis like ginger tea or honey and lemon are going to get you nowhere. Ra is a chronic, debilitating disease and it took me years (and a lot of lost cartilage ) before i uncovered the solution that i have used to help people now in over 30 countries worldwide.
i had ra for 5 years and i was on 25mg/wee…read more detail
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