Friday, August 2, 2013

Super senior strength training program

Super senior strength training program

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all of our digital products for just $48 attention seniors: discover the secret to getting ten times more energy from the comfort of your own home while increasing strength at any age, guaranteed

m y name is ron krayewski and that’s me in humorous “perception” picture there. Let me first say that i’m not an anomaly, i’m not genetically gifted, and i certainly don’t spend seven days a week in the gym.

but, i do know a few shortcuts to keeping in shape and living a healthier life in my golden years. I’d like to share these secrets and shortcuts with you if you’ll give me just a few moments of your time, and i can show you how you, too, can regain strength, speed, flexibility and your health faster than you ever thought possible.

there’s no magic bullet here. But there are proven techniques to combat the aches, pains, and ailments associated with getting older.

guess what? you don’t have to turn into a shrivelled up, wheelchair-bound senior who watches johnny carson re-runs all day there are seniors working out and staying strong well into their 90s, and you can be one of them.

too many people have a defeatist attitude that the decreased mobility, agility, and balance associated with aging are inevitable. They think that muscle wasting (losing muscle mass) and weight gain are just a by-product of getting old.

you just need to keep up, and even increase your strength training. The ailments associated with aging are not inevitable, t…read more detail


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