Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Releasing the diet drama- the competitor’s way out of emotional eating

Releasing the diet drama- the competitor’s way out of emotional eating

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are you tired of gaining 10, 20 or even 30 pounds in the off season? “fitness, figure, physique, and bikini competitors, you need a way out of your emotional eating for good

from the desk of nancy georges ifbb figure pro and food psychology coach re: your way out of emotional eating a re you tired of having two sets of clothes, one for on season and one for off season? are you struggling to get in the same condition you were in for that very first show? are you sick of obsessing about food no matter if you are getting ready for a show or not? are you tired of feeling guilty every time you eat a "forbidden" food? are you sick of all the rules that are preventing you from living a normal life? are you tired of gaining 10, 20 or even 30 pounds in the off season? if you can answer "yes" to any of the above questions… Then i have some very important news for you.

because you want to be free from obsessing about food, feel confident about your body on season or off, feel like you can live your life to the fullest… And still get in great shape, then you will definitely want to keep reading this letter.

imagine understanding the secrets to successful competition dieting, show after show… Imagine feeling confident of your nutrition program no matter what phase of competition you are in. Imagine having a solid plan of action, even the day after your show. Imagine not going through those post contest blues that you have experienced wi…read more detail


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