Monday, July 1, 2013

Home | special offer from, dr. Rodger murphree – fibromyalgia expert of birmingham, al usa

Home | special offer from, dr. Rodger murphree – fibromyalgia expert of birmingham, al usa

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contrary to what some doctors may have told you, you re not crazy, lazy, or suffering from a prozac deficiency. Sadly, most doctors don t know much, if anything, about fibromyalgia. What s even worse, many doctors secretly think those with these illnesses are crazy, lazy, or depressed. I know how frustrating it is to continue to look for answers from doctors who don t understand what you re going through.

these are the same doctors who tell you to get more sleep (right ), take it easy, get more rest, exercise, and eat better. They want to cover up the symptoms with prescription drugs such as lyrica, savella, and cymbalta which have largely failed those with fibromyalgia. Or, they send you off to a psychiatrist for more antidepressant medications. Most doctors just don t get it. They don’t want to see you, the fibromyalgia patient, in their appointment book they consider fibromyalgia patients as a nuisance. Why? because most doctors still don t believe fibromyalgia truly exists.

you see we are all born with a stress-coping savings account filled up with chemicals we need for the body to work properly. These chemicals serotonin, dopamine, norepinephrine, cortisol, dhea, hgh, vitamins, minerals, and others help us deal with stress. The more stress we are under the more of these stress coping chemicals we use up.

most sleep medications don t put you into deep delta wave restorative sleep. They may knock you out, but they don t put you into deep restorative sl…read more detail


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