Sunday, September 15, 2013

Nate miyaki – fat loss consultant

Nate miyaki – fat loss consultant

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with late night deadlines, long business trips, and corporate pressure, does your health profile look like a corpse-in-waiting? has your six-pack turned into a keg? has that daily muffin turned into a permanent muffin top hanging over your bikini bottoms? has the…ok, ok, you get the point

now that you’ve made the decision to trim the fat, where do you turn for guidance? the main problem is that most of the nutrition information out there is written without keeping the specific demands and obstacles of the busy professional in mind. The fat loss consultant was designed to help solve this problem. It combines convenient, flexible, and sustainable diet plans with real world practical application strategies to help busy professionals lose fat, improve health, and overcome their most common dieting roadblocks.

in most diet books the practical information gets buried beneath pages of science and theory. We’ve pulled out the barebones details of exactly what you need to do so you can get started with one of the plans today. We have provided a variety of options to fit your specific situation, including the sedentary caveman’s plan, the functional three: the business & socially friendly diet, and the on-the-go intermittent fast & feed option. Consider this your guide to flexible, functional, and sustainable dieting. Food charts, shopping lists, sample diets, and calculations (for the more advanced plans) are also included.

this is everything …read more detail


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