The natural cellulite solution | get rid of cellulite | a remedy that works
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i was so sick of ducking out of going to the beach with my husband. And then always having to wear a wrap to hide my nasty cellulite if i did get guilted into it.
like you have, i tried creams , exercise , i got down to my ideal weight , i seemed to have tried everything under the sun to get rid of my cellulite. I was searching for a cure to cellulite. But nothing worked and i was totally fed up my husband didn’t understand why i had spent literally hundreds and hundreds of dollars on every cream or product that claimed it delivered results, but i know that you understand as you have probably done the same thing yourself.
men don’t usually get cellulite (the reason why i will explain in the ebook) so they just don’t understand. My husband would always say i looked fine. Well, who wants to look fine i wanted to look sexy, and feel confident. We all do right?
i was totally frustrated, and was ready to visit a plastic surgeon that my friend recommended. The plastic surgeon explained that the treatment was not a guarantee that my cellulite would go away i hardly want to tell you how much he was going to charge me too
so i made up my mind that there had to be a natural solution to cellulite, to get rid of my cellulite. Around this time i began working as a naturopathic counselor.
i studied under my mentors two women with a combined experience specializing in natural medicine for women of fifty years.
as i studied i learned why we have cell…read more detail
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