Friday, October 25, 2013

Bill phillips’ the transformation solution

Bill phillips’ the transformation solution

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bill phillips’ the transformation solution is

health and fitness plan transformation solution program by bill phillips the original author of body-for-life® . A healthy eating meal plan, now in a complete transformation solution that is designed to increase your fat loss healthily and transform the way you think about your body and your life.

i wanted to give you a special behind the scenes look at bill phillips transformation solution program. This video is only a few minutes long so i am very quickly going to quickly cover all that is included.

i thought the best way to do that would be to actually take you inside the entire transformation program including the private membership site and give you a guided tour – so that’s what we are going to do.

the basic weight loss program is broken into several parts and each one focuses on a particular topic and you’ll be shown all that stuff step by step.

there is a very active online community in the transformation solution membership area where moderators, coaches and bill phillips himself will help you along the way.

in a nutshell

the first step begins with a proven, practical and fun activity program that requires less than 2% of the time a person has available to them each week.

from there, bill will introduce you to a scientifically safe, balanced and very practical way of nourishing your body with the right foods. There is no starvation, no crazy diet just a nutritious way to feed your body so it wil………read more detail


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