Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Supersize your strength: a 16 week training program for maximum strength, from andy bolton

Supersize your strength: a 16 week training program for maximum strength, from andy bolton

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***supersize your strength*** this exclusive special offer ends at midnight on sunday june 24th 2012, so please read this page carefully…

dear friend who wants to be stronger , if you’re like 95% of the guys out there who do some strength training, you’ll have answered “yes” to at least one of those questions and possibly all of them.

but don’t worry, i’m here to help you find a solution to your training problems. The basic idea of strength training isn’t that difficult to understand – we want to add more weight to the bar to make our bodies stronger.

but – most guys make it complicated. And the result is that they end up weaker than they’d like to be. This happens to some guys because they have too much information and don’t know how to use it. Other guys never reach their strength goals/potential because they are too lazy to educate themselves. In other words – these guys don’t have enough information.

the reality is that most guys will never learn the real secrets behind effective training program design. And unfortunately for them, this means that they will remain frustrated by their sub-standard results in the gym for a long time, and quite possibly – forever.

but i’m a little different to ‘most guys’. There are a lot of people out there who claim to know what they are talking about when it comes to building strength.

but – many of them are ‘fakes’, full of b.s. However, you can rest assured that everything i say to you is back…read more detail


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